Thursday, January 15, 2015

Law of Torts and Easement Supplementary Examination 2012,2014

Law of Torts and Easement Supplementary  Examination 2012,2014

                                         PART I
Q.1. What is Tort? Explain how it differs from crime?

Q.2. Discuss in detail the Principle of ‘Vicarious Liability’?

Q.3. Who cannot be sued?

Q.4. Discuss the remedies in Torts?

Q.5. What is “Trespass to Land”? What remedies are available against it?

Q.6. Explain ‘Malicious Prosecution’ in detail.

Q.7. What do you understand by damages? What are different kinds of damages?

Q.8.Define ‘Negligence’ and discuss its essentials?

                                                PART II

Q.9. What is meant by Easement? How it can be extinguished?

Q.10. Define and explain easement by Prescription?

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