Thursday, January 15, 2015

Law of Torts and Easement Annual Examination 2012, 2014

Law of Torts and Easement Annual Examination 2012, 2014

Q.1. What do you understand by law of tort? What are the essentials of Tort?

Q.2. What is the ‘Tort of Defamation’ nuisance?

Q.3. What is difference between ‘Public’ and Private’ nuisance?

Q.4. Write a detailed note on Law of Negligence?

Q.5. Explain ‘False Imprisonment’ in detail.

Q.6. Discuss ‘Duty of Care’ in context of the topic of Negligence?

Q.7. Write various kinds of damages in Torts.

Q.8. Write short notes on
(i)                Injuria Sine Damnum
(ii)             Res ipsa Ioqvitor

                                      PART II

Q.9. Define Easement. What are the kinds of Easement?

Q.10. How Easement can be acquired? Explain its modes.

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