Sunday, April 8, 2012

what are the kinds of tort?

Kinds of tort law

 Tort law basically protects people or individuals who have been caused injury of any sort by other parties and seeks to get compensation for the injured parties. Under this there are many categories of torts that are there as legal disciplines. There is one traditional way of dividing them into two sub divisions of Negligence Torts and Intentional Torts.

One of the main aspects of tort law is that of negligence. Here one can claim damages or even injunctive relief. In these cases, the legal rights and the property of people are protected and also financial interests as well. Usually such claims of negligence come from situations like automobile accidents, and even cases where the party was injured personally injured some way or the other. Another cause in negligence cases is that of product liability as well.
Now comes the intentional torts as well. In these cases of intentional torts there are torts which develop over land occupation and disputes over that. Among these intentional torts, there is the tort of nuisance where a neighbor interferes with his neighbor’s property. Then there is the aspect of trespass which provides for those who would like to sue a party for an invasion on to their private property in anyway what so ever. There is a false imprisonment tort and also a defamation tort where someone makes a charge or a statement about someone else which is not supported by evidence and yet can be damaging to the other person’s reputation.
Then comes the statutory torts which are very similar to some other torts. However, as the name goes, these torts are not created by the courts of law but by the legislative bodies and the legislators. There are many such torts and one such important one is the “consumer protection” tort. Here there is a strict product liability where businesses and commercial enterprises are responsible to their customers about the products they are providing and must pay for it if there is any harm committed to the customers on their behalf. These statutory torts also regulate safety of the employees in the workplace and laws about health and safety as well.
The nuisance torts use the legal definition of nuisance which has three meanings. Firstly a nuisance is an activity which can be damaging to others. Secondly the harm which is causes as a result of the activity also falls under the nuisance. And thirdly, the legal liability which emerges as a result of the two aforementioned conditions.
The defamation torts are growing increasingly common. This basically implies wrecking somebody’s reputation by passing baseless allegations against that person. There are two aspects of defamation and those are slander and libel. Slander is the kind of defamation that is verbal while libel is in media which can be print or even broadcast. There are many actions that are classified under the defamation torts and these include misappropriation of publicity, invasion of privacy, and disclosure. Abuse of process and malicious prosecution.

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