Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Guess of annual examination of LLB 2013 part one Paper 4 CONTRACT LAW and SALES OF GOODS ACT


Q.1. What is bailment? Discuss the rights and duties of bailor and bailee.

Q.2. What is agency how it is created? Discuss the rules relating of an agency.

Q.3. What is consideration? Explain its expectations.

Q.4. What mean by revocation of proposal and acceptance how revocation is made?

Q.5. what are the consequences of breach of contract? What remedies are available?

Q.6.Discuss various ways by which a contract may be discharged?

Q.7. What are essentials of a valid contract?

Q.8. what are void and void able agreements, difference b/w the tow?

Q.9. Note= Competency, free consent, indemnity, Quasi Contact , Contingent Contract,       Right of Surety. 


Q.1. What is sale and agreement to sell, difference b/w the tow?

Q.2. what do mean by condition and warranty, difference b/w the tow?

Q.3. Rules regarding delivery, rights, duties of buyer and seller?

Q.4. Who is unpaid seller, its duties and rights?

1 comment:

  1. can i have guess paper for paper 4 for upcomming exam in 2014
